We all want to be healthy, and we all want to find ways to improve our general health that don’t limit us to working out or a specific location; Owning a dog has some amazing benefits that lead to better overall health. Here are a few great reasons to become a dog parent.
➢ Dog Parents Are More Active
Having a four legged friend forces you to get up and be active; whether it be taking your dog for a walk around the neighborhood, to the dog park for some play time, or good old playful fun in the house; your activity levels increase immensely when you own a dog. It is recommended that on average, adults should get at least 2 hours and 30 mins of exercise per week. Your dog will help get you up and active!
➢ Dogs Naturally Reduce Stress
Studies show that spending time with your pup decrease stress, lowers anxiety, and helps keep blood pressure low; while increasing serotonin and dopamine levels, two neurological chemicals that are key in your mental well-being.
➢ Being a DOG parent improves your social life
Studies show that dog parents are more likely to make friends than those who don’t own dogs. Dog parents tend to be more extroverted and more likely to start conversations with other dog parents on walks, at pet stores, and at the dog park which creates the opportunity to make friends for them or their 4- legged child.
➢ Daily Walks Can Help You Lose Weight
Daily walks around the neighborhood, weekly trips to the dog park, going on a brisk jog, and playful roughhousing at home all lead to burning calories. In fact, studies have shown that dog parents lost about 14.4 lbs. throughout the course of the year solely on their interaction and weekly commitments to their pups.